EasyGuide Museum of Arms and Armor Luigi Marzoli
The new EasyGuide dedicated to the Museum of Arms and Armor Luigi Marzoli
Access to the content is immediate and takes place by scanning a QR code.
The EasyGuide of the Luigi Marzoli Arms and Armor Museum allows you to learn more about its history, the collection and the Mastio Visconteo, seat of the Museum.
Created thanks to the support of BTL Banca del Territorio Lombardo Educational Activity Partner of the Brescia Musei Foundation.

Access to the contents of the Museum of Arms and Armor Luigi Marzoli
Access to the content is simple and intuitive: by scanning a QR code, delivered at the time of ticket purchase, the visitor enters the very rich parallel digital world of enriched museum contents.
The contents are available both in English and Italian.
EasyGuide can also be used by deaf people thanks to the presence of the accompanying written text.
The narrations of the routes, the immersive videos and the audio pills can in fact be seen and listened directly on personal devices.
It is advisable to use own earphones, alternatively available at the ticket office for €1.